Have you taken the time to check how your website looks on a mobile device? There are some web design tools that will automatically reformat your site’s content to fit the screen size it is being displayed on, but often times, it is entirely up to YOU to make sure your site’s content is reformatted accurately.
Why does this matter?
According to a Hootsuite report, over half of all website visitors in 2021 viewed websites from their mobile device.
In today’s world of technology and its endless advancements, it’s pretty safe to assume that number has risen over the past two years.
People can do almost anything from their phones–text, call, email, video chat, shop, watch movies/tv, search the internet, view websites–and they’re more likely to view your website from their phone, because phones are more accessible to us at all times. It’s quick and easy for someone to pull up a website on their phone; we’ve all done it!

User Experience
Why is all of this so important? The answer is simple: USER EXPERIENCE.
You want a user’s experience on your website to be seamless, enjoyable and memorable. This means that as spunky + creative as you want your website to be, it must to be equally as functional and manageable, on ALL device sizes. You want users to be able to navigate your website without any issues, because if they do experience issues, chances are they won’t be visiting your site again.
15 seconds.
That’s the average amount of time users spend on a website.
Fifteen. Seconds.
That’s how long you have to capture the attention of your audience. And that’s the challenge you face in KEEPING the attention of your audience.
Our Approach
When designing websites for our clients, we first design the layout on a basic computer screen layout. After that layout is approved by the client, we move on to our tablet + mobile optimization step. We never skip this part because we know how important it is for your website to be gorgeous on all screen sizes, including tablets and mobile devices.